Damaged Belt Detector
Get an extra measure of protection for valuable conveyor belts
with these new Damaged Belt Detectors. Economical and easy
to install, they warn supervisory personnel of impending belt
failures due to rips, punctures, splice failures, or sharp objects
protruding through the belt fabric.
Damaged Belt Detectors mount in pairs positioned on either
side of the belt. The units are connected by two spans of vinyl
coated aircraft cable. One end of the cable mounts permanently
to a support bracket and the other connects to a spring-loaded
ball located in the unit. The cables loop underneath the belt
from each side crossing at the midpoint. A belt problem is
detected when an object or a piece of damaged belt hangs
below the belt’s surface and sweeps away one or both cables.
As the cable is detached, it pulls a spring-loaded ball out of
a socket, causing two microswitches to sound an alarm or to
shut down the conveyor. One end of each cable is permanently
affixed to the bracket preventing the loss of the cable.
It’s simple, effective, and it gives that extra warning of possible
belt failure. But, even though the idea is simple, these detectors
are not lightweights. They’re rugged, heavy duty units that
are designed to work in any industrial environment including
hazardous locations.
So check out the cost/benefit ratio on this valuable detection
system. Like a good insurance policy, it’s protection you can’t
afford to be without.
Damaged Belt Detectors are virtually maintenance free —
thanks to their simple, yet tough construction. The units can be
wired normally open or normally closed. Everything you need to
install your system is included, and accessory or replacement
items are always available for immediate shipment.
DB-100 unit shown with cable
mounting bracket (included).
When you consider the cost of the average replacement belt, or
the cost of repairing the mechanical damage from a torn belt, a
damage detection system is very inexpensive by comparison.
Other than internally wired belts (tears are electronically indicated),
there’s nothing like this system available in the U.S. It’s a lot of
protection for very little cost.
The Damaged Belt Detector operates using a spring-loaded
ball and socket connected to two plunger type microswitches.
As an object hanging below the belt sweeps away the cable,
it pulls the ball connector from its socket (only 4 Ibs. of force
required). When this happens, a spring-loaded shaft is released
causing the plungers of the two microswitches to ride down
cam surfaces machined on the shaft. This deactuates the
switches causing them to sound an alarm, turn on a warning
light, or shut down the system. To reactivate the detectors, all
that’s required is to snap the ball connector and cable back into
its socket.